It is through the canoe paddle workshop that men learn about Whetstone Adventures in the Boundary Waters wilderness and spend a good day with their children learning some new skills. Whetstone ministries exists to glorify God, to serve the church, and to encourage men in their relationships with God, partners and children.
Anyone can participate. The paddle workshop can be for the whole family but especially is a good opportunity for dads to spend some time with their children in a practical craft. Whetstone will provide one paddle blank per family. Instruction and demonstration will be provided. Additional paddles will incur a nominal fee to cover costs. Any young person 13 years and older may make their own paddle. Younger children will make their paddle with their dad or mom.
Ron Fuhrman
Whetstone Adventures
Canoe Paddle Workshop
Whetstone exists to glorify God in our calling to service.
We take opportunities to minister as they become available. Outdoor wilderness adventures are one of our core services. We also provide teaching, preaching, camps, fishing trips, family camps, construction skills camp, canoe paddle workshops are some of the ways we minister.
We attempt to build men up in a world that tears men down and destroys families. The Bible is taught to encourage men in their calling as Christian fathers and husbands.
Whetstone uses the outdoors “classroom” to encourage men in their relationships with God and with their families.